Landa looking at Nasdaq float: Report
The Israeli financial press is reporting that Landa Digital Printing is looking at a float on the Nasdaq, which it says will value the business at US$2bn, around 20 times its current annual revenue.

According to Calcalist Ctech, Landa is 54 per cent owned by CEO and founder Benny Landa, and 46 per cent by German billionaire Susanne Klatten, most of that through the Altana chemical company.
Both Landa and Klatten have invested several hundred million dollars in Landa Digital Printing (LDP). Landa got US$830m by selling his pioneering Indigo business to HP almost 20 years ago.
LDP made a spectacular launch onto the global print stage at drupa nine years ago, with its new nano technology promising offset quality at offset speeds on digital presses.
CEO Benny Landa presented every day at the show, several times a day, and left Dusseldorf with 400 deposits of $10,000 each from printers, all eager to secure their place in the queue for the new presses.
However, the gestation was slower than anticipated. It has only been in the last year or two that the first presses have been going in. The company did announce an ambitious install programme two years ago, but Covid put a dent in that. There are no nanopresses yet in ANZ, and most of those that have gone in have been the S10 single sided printer.
The presses have a Komori chassis, an EFI front end and, Fujifilm Dimatix printheads. Nano technology is brand new to the printing industry, and involves tiny particles transferred to the substrate via blanket. The company has also been developing a flexo press, the W10.