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IVE is building a new 42,000sqm print supersite at Kemps Creek in Sydney’s west, with the site expected to be fully operational by March next year.

Being built: Artist's impression of thew new 42,000sqm IVE supersite in Kemps Creek, NSW
Being built: Artist's impression of thew new 42,000sqm IVE supersite in Kemps Creek, NSW

The new supersite will house its commercial print and packaging, which are currently located in its long term home in Silverwater, and its brand activations (display print) operation which operates from Granville. The new Kemps Creek site will also house the company’s CX and Data business, now running from Homebush; and the paper storage for its web offset operation, which is currently stored in Warwick Farm.

IVE will save $3.1m a year in rental costs with the move, as well as gaining operating efficiencies, including consolidation of leases, and it says it will benefit from common operational functions, such as dispatch and receiving, as well as reduced handover costs. It will also have a centralised, strategic labour pool to optimise labour mix, enabling flexibility across business units, which it says will reduce external labour hire and minimise overtime.

The new site will also provide additional space to accommodate further expansion, particularly to facilitate Phase 1 and 2 of the packaging strategy. Phase 2 is targeting growth in folding carton work from $90m when Phase 1 is achieved, to $150m a year.

Capital expenditure and relocation costs associated with the supersite consolidation, largely impacting FY26, will be disclosed with the FY25 result, due out in August.

Groundworks on the new site have just commenced, with practical completion expected around the end of this year. The new site is close to key transport hubs, and to IVE’s Erskine Park and Huntingwood sites, bringing the majority of its Western Sydney teams much closer together. The $50m Huntingwood site was opened seven years ago to house the new heatset web business resulting from IVEs acquisition of Franklin Web.

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