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The country’s largest packaging print operations, including Amcor, Orora, and Visy, are championing more inclusive and gender balanced workplaces, by joining the National Association of Women in Operations (NAWO).

Inclusion and equality: Packaging print giants commit
Inclusion and equality: Packaging print giants commit

The association has 90 company members recognising the support NAWO brings, and the transformative impact of diversity and inclusivity, within historically male-oriented sectors. Other packaging print members include Detmold Group, Opal, and Oji Group.

Louise Weine, CEO of NAWO, said, “The commitment of these forward-thinking companies underscores a critical moment for action, where inclusivity is not just desirable but essential.

“The business case for inclusivity is compelling. We see time and again that inclusive companies are significantly more likely to deliver superior business outcomes, such as increased innovative capabilities.”

Weine said many organisations recognised the urgent need for change – pressing societal challenges including a national crisis of gender-based violence, and workforce shortages across multiple male oriented industries as identified in the government's Future Made in Australia plan – but don’t know where to start.

Given this, NAWO’s commitment is to deliver action-oriented programmes that it says will empower organisations, leaders, allies and employees to drive change through ever day inclusive and respectful actions.

These include the Inclusion Habits for Operations Leaders Programme, a 14-week programme that leverages neuroscience and technology to cultivate daily inclusion habits among operations leaders.

Participants engage in micro learning sessions, apply newfound insights to real-world workplace scenarios, and benefit from expert coaching, empowering them to spearhead change within their organisations.

NAWO also has a mentoring programme has been running for 12 years, and has an alumni of 1000 people. It is designed specifically for mentoring women working in operations, and providing ally support to male leaders driving change.

The group is also running its Gender Equality Men (GEM) programme, its newest initiative, and designed to complement its mentoring programme. GEM supports men across operations with tools and resources to enhance their inclusive leadership capability, and to help them step up as gender equality advocates in their workplaces. 

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