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Kevin Pidgeon is the new president of print’s peak industry body, Visual Media Association, with Matt Aitken stepping down after eight years in leadership roles.

New president VMA: Kevin Pidgeon

Pidgeon is executive chairman of one of the country’s leading commercial print operations, Melbourne-based Lithocraft, and has been with the company for the past 46 years.

He was formerly deputy president, a role which is now taken by Stuart Fysh, The Label Factory, who was previously secretary. He had been in that position for four years. Kirsty Woodhead, Breen Printing has now been elected to be secretary, with Rodney Frost, retaining his role as treasurer of the association. Simon Bailey, IVE Group, general manager – NSW, has been elected to fill the casual vacancy and will join the team. VMA says the new board represents all sectors of print.

Kevin Pidgeon is no stranger to industry, working in the industry for some sixty years and within industry associations for twenty. He said, “I thank Matt for all his years of service and appreciate his significant contributions whilst also having a large role across the IVE business. I thank my fellow board offices for their support in electing me as president, and look working for the industry across the association’s new programmes, and commitment to the industry,”

Steeping down from VMA presidency: Matt Aitken
Stepping down from VMA presidency: Matt Aitken

Aitken had been president of the VMA for two years following significant industry board director roles with his initial appointment to the former Print & Visual Communication Association (PVCA) in 2016, then treasurer, deputy chair, and chair positions on the Australasian Catalogue Association (ACA) and the chair of The Real Media Collective.

Aitken said, “Having given eight years of service to the industry, as well as supporting two major mergers initially with ACA and TRMC, then TRMC and VMA, I feel now is the right time to step down and for the board, and the association, to enter its next lifecycle evolution."

It is believed the VMA board have been considering with notice for several months and has been working in preparation to handover and business continuity strategies with the new office bearer elections now complete.

Aitken has overseen significant evolution across his leadership of all industry associations he has been involved with, including, but not limited to merging several organisations to form a single strong peak industry body under the VMA.

He is also credited with building a board diversity and skillset unmatched in previous history, and current practice, across the industry was another significant achievement. Double digit year on year membership growth, engagement and stability, of TRMC through Covid was also credited to Aitken.

He said, “The recent TRMC and PVCA merger into the VMA is absolutely the best way forward, the united board has a common dedication to how one industry body is the best for all of industry. I want to thank each and every board officer for their support, and I know I leave the organisation in safe hands under the leadership of Kevin Pidgeon. I also want to thank Kellie (Northwood), over much of my industry board roles, she has held the executive position, and always worked with dedicated passion for the members and industry, pushing every opportunity, and I believe will continue to deliver for the industry with the association is in a much stronger place.”

“My final comments are, thank you to all I have worked with in the industry roles, I will remain a strong supporter and assist where I can. I continue to support a single industry association for our industry, and urge any companies not members to contact the team and get involved, we can achieve so much more together with a united stronger approach,” concluded Aitken.

The association is holding its Annual General Meeting on 31 July, and it is believed it will report a solid financial performance over the past twelve months, with programmes being rolled out across the country delivering results in new member growth.

All members can attend, registration at: Annual General Meeting.

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