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Nigel Spicer, general manager of Cactus Imaging, addressed the outdoor media industry this week, speaking at the OOH Sustainability event, held at the Sydney Opera House.

Sustainable out-of-home print: Nigel Spicer (left), Cactus Imaging, with Jose Sarz, JC Decaux
Sustainable out-of-home print: Nigel Spicer (left), Cactus Imaging, with Jose Sarz, JC Decaux

With the CEOs of the big three outdoor asset managers - oOh! Media, JC Decaux and QMS – also speaking to the 100 delegates, Spicer shone a spotlight on the work that the print industry was doing in sustainability, and specifically on the launch of Ecobanner, the new PVC-free media that Spicer has played a major part in developing, which has been released onto the general market this week.

Spicer told the delegates that printed outdoor had now taken a major leap into sustainability with Ecobanner, which is endlessly closed loop recyclable. Used banners are reformed, with a new white layer of the same material added to the top to receive the ink, and give the same pop as virgin media.

He told the out of home industry that there were five key areas that would support the transition to a fully sustainable industry. The first was collaboration, which was clearly illustrated as Spicer, whose company Cactus Imaging is owned by oOh! Media, shared the platform with Jose Sarz, asset development director of oOh’s main rival JC Decaux.

Spicer then said that educating the market, bringing all media manufacturing on-shore, investing in R+D, and government support were the other key factors that would drive sustainability forward.

He said, “Collaboration has been the theme of the day at this out-of-home industry sustainability event. I’m delighted to be sharing the platform with JC Decaux. In the journey to develop Ecobanner there have been many instances of collaboration between companies who are also competitors, but who have demonstrated they are all committed to driving the same direction, for the greater good of all.”

Jose Sarz from JC Decaux welcomed the arrival of Ecobanner, especially as he said, “Some of the green alternatives to landfill for PVC are not available here, for instance burning waste to energy plants.”

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