• 'An opportunity for business owners to ‘dip their toes in the water.' Peter Mansfield
    'An opportunity for business owners to ‘dip their toes in the water.' Peter Mansfield

The Future Print Business Transformation Project is a two-hour Leadership Briefing, which is an opportunity for business owners to learn about the watershed programme to assist printing business change and grow. The first of a series will kick off this week at 8.30 am -10.30 am on Thursday 14 August at The Hackney Hotel & Function Centre, 95 Hackney Road, Hackney SA.

Register here  or Phone: Peter Mansfield or Kay Scutter at Printing Industries on (08) 8373 0622.

Future Print, already driving change in the area of training and apprenticeships, has now introduced an important new ‘second stage’, with the launch of the Future Print Business Transformation Project, designed to help individual businesses and the wider industry.

The Project will include leadership briefings, industry benchmarking, business diagnostics, individual business reviews, facilitated workshops, one-on-one business mentoring and subsidized training.

Change has become a way of life for those involved in print and graphic communications, but the pace of technological advances and speed of market transition has been so great that it’s sometimes difficult to know exactly how to respond.

Future Print, already driving change in the area of training and apprenticeships, has now introduced an important new ‘second stage’, with the launch this week of the Future Print Business Transformation Project which is designed to help individual businesses and the wider industry.

The Project will include leadership briefings, industry benchmarking, business diagnostics, individual business reviews, facilitated workshops, one-on-one business mentoring and subsidized training.

Peter Mansfield, General Manager – Member Services for Printing Industries today invited businesses to register for the first stage, a series of Leadership Briefings during August and September.

“There are three stages to the Business Transformation Project,” he explained. “The first is a series of two-hour Leadership Briefings, which will be an opportunity for business owners to ‘dip their toes in the water’ – to understand the framework they will need to work within, to formulate the right questions to ask for their own businesses and to start to form a clearer picture of where they will fit in the industry of the future.

“Businesses who decide they want to participate in the broader program will then be able to move on to obtain their own customized ‘Business Snapshot’ which will give them an important overview of their business and an assessment of their current position against national benchmarks.”

Funding will provide places for 350 businesses to take part in the initial part of the project and Mansfield is encouraging businesses to take advantage of the limited places available in these early sessions, to maximize the benefit from the two year program.

As the Project progresses, Future Print will run Facilitated Workshops where businesses will be provided with specialist diagnostic tools to help them assess the ongoing viability of their businesses and identify areas of new potential, and provide one-on-one mentoring with a group of six independent, experienced Business Advisors who will help businesses work through the learnings from the analysis.

“From there, businesses can apply for access to subsidized training which will allow them to upskill their staff to meet future challenges,” Mansfield added. “We will have 500 training places available and, importantly, this is not the apprenticeship or trade-based training for which Future Print is already well known – this will be far more broadly based, covering key areas like front-line management, sales, marketing, lean manufacturing, IT and other vital business areas.

“The challenges facing businesses across the whole print and graphic communications sector will impact on their business viability and workforce capacity,” Mansfield emphasized. “The Future Print Business Transformation Project has been designed to help them identify where they will fit into the market of the future, to manage the necessary change and reform, support innovation and underpin productivity improvements, and ensure delivery of the skilled workers necessary to enable them to successfully transition to meet the market of the future.”


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