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The federal government has allocated $20 million over two years for mature age industry workers who are 50 years or over to receive training that will see them obtain formal qualifications for expertise. Carlo Lauricella (pictured), industry training specialist and director of Applied Training Solutions, explains the new program and how businesses in the printing industry and their staff can make the most out of it.

Print businesses with workers over 50 years of age can now apply to the federal government for industry training funding after the introduction of its Investing in Experience (Skills Recognition and Training) program.

With a pledged of $20 million over the next two years for mature-age industry skills training, the Australian government’s Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education has set out to help up to 5,000 mature-age workers (50 years and over) to gain nationally recognised qualifications.

The new Skills Recognition and Training IIE-SRT program was introduced at the beginning of July to replace the government’s outgoing More Help for Mature Age Workers program, which ended on 30 June this year.

The program is designed to provide an opportunity for mature age workers to have their current capabilities recognised and to receive training to fill any knowledge or skills gaps, a vital step for many print workers to take in the increasingly swiftly changing industry.

Under the Skills Recognition and Training IIE-SRT program, employers can apply for individual grants of up to $4,400 including GST to help their mature age workers to undertake a skills assessment and obtain gap training if the assessment identifies an area that requires more work.

The program will then enable the worker to obtain a nationally recognised qualification at the Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level at registered training organisations around Australia, such as Applied Training Solutions (ATS).

The funding breakdown goes something like this: an initial $3,300 is payable on completion of a skills assessment and the commencement of knowledge gap training; and a further $1,100 is payable on completion of that gap training.

Even if the worker already has formal qualifications at the Certificate III level or above, they might be eligible to receive further funding to complete an approved Skill Set from within a Nationally Endorsed Training Package.

 The value of experience

The government believes that mature age workers bring an enormous amount of knowledge and capability to the workplace and says that, for various reasons, these skills have not always been formally recognised through accredited qualifications.

The lack of formal qualifications can often lead to early retirement and career limitations, however, this new program will help to ensure that the skills and knowledge of mature age workers continue to make a value contribution to business and the economy.

The Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education has outlined who can sign up for the new program:

  • Employers from all employment sectors, who employ mature age workers, aged 50 years and over, under an Award or Certified Agreement
  • Small business owners, including sole traders, operating in Australia who are themselves mature age workers
  • State and Territory Governments, the organisations they establish and local governing bodies that meet the eligibility criteria

Applications for the program cannot be made by the employees themselves, and must be made by the employers, except in the case of small business owners and sole traders who are themselves aged 50 years or above. Additionally, the department has also outlined a list of people who are not eligible for the funding including mature age workers who are registered apprentices and mature age workers who are not Australian citizens.

Applications for the program’s funding were open for submission from the beginning of July until the government’s funding of $10 million for each of its two years is fully committed or until when the program winds up on 30 June 2014.

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