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The world's biggest online retailer Amazon has printed a Christmas catalogue for its USA business, as it attempts to cash in on the demise of the giant Toys R Us business.

Print run is in the millions, rivaling the Christmas toy catalogues from Walmart, Kmart and Target. The Christmas toy catalogue is a huge event in the US, even in the internet age. The Amazon catalogue will be mailed and placed in Amazon-owned Whole Foods market stores.

Amazon is using some QR codes in the catalogue which can be scanned onto an the Amazon app to make orders and to pay.

There are no prices next to the toys; Amazon is thought to be using dynamic pricing depending for instance on how far the customer is from the nearest toy store.

[video width="404" height="720" mp4="https://print21.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/amazon-video.mp4"][/video]


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