• Insights from grumpy nuns; Nigel Latta at PrintNZ
    Insights from grumpy nuns; Nigel Latta at PrintNZ
  • PrintNZ

Some people are so difficult they make everyone else’s lives a misery, says psychologist and TV personality Nigel Latta, a headline speaker at the upcoming PrintNZ Industry Forum.

Over lunch, Latta will discuss how to deal with difficult people and how to successfully implement changes in the workplace.

“I'll show what science has revealed about the psychology of being difficult, reveal some surprisingly good news courtesy of grumpy nuns, and provide a few simple tips for dealing with difficult people. The world has changed more in the last hundred years than it has in all human history, and it has never been more important to have the ability to accept and adapt to change both as an individual, and as an organization,” says Latta.

Other featured speakers at the PrintNZ Industry Forum taking place from 11am-2.30pm at the InterContinental Hotel in Wellington on Friday May 1 are BNZ Chief Economist Tony Alexander and sustainability expert Kellie Northwood.

Alexander conducts the monthly BNZ Confidence Survey and will provide an outlook on business conditions, including risks and opportunities for business owners. Northwood, executive director of Two Sides Australia, will talk about promoting the use and effectiveness of print and how to market environmental benefits.

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