Doing it for the Kids

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Print trio navigating Car 15 in the upcoming Variety Bash charity rally seek support and sponsorship for the cause before the race across the Bass Strait begins on 22 August.

With just over a month to go before they hit the road the printing industry trio from Currie Group, On-Demand and Discus are confident of the finish line as the 1968 model HR Holden they will be piloting has competed in the Bash at least seven times before.

In its 21st year, the Variety Vic Bash has covered 80,180km since its inception and has raised over $15 million for children in Victoria.

Phillip Rennell, sales and marketing director at Currie Group says some industry suppliers have already indicated that are willing to get on board, “however we are looking for every little bit to help us reach our very ambitious target.

“With pledges and donations so far Car 15 has raised over $10,000 but the target it $25,000 so there is quite a bit of money yet to raise.

“We are looking to everyone to get on board with whatever they feel they can spare for the Variety Charity who with your support, gives to Australian children with special needs.”

The print team for Car 15 includes:

  • Phillip Rennell – The Currie Group
  • Bruce Peddlesden - On Demand
  • Peter Benjamin – Discus Digital Print

The trio are freely investing 12 days of their time and fully funding the entry and all costs, so all the money raised will go to the Kids Charity Variety.

The team intends to let the kids they meet along the way provide some extra colouring on the Bash car as they go, and true to their industry ties the printer’s colourful entry is called “COLOUR IT”.

Peter Benjamin, managing director of Discus says while the design took a couple of weeks, it printed the car wrap within a day on a HP 6500 latex printer with Avery MPI 1005 SC stick-on film. Discus Sign Services then covered the car with its new wrapping in 48 hours.

Click here to donate to the cause, and the team’s Facebook is now up and running so its progress and updates can be followed.

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