Free PDF imposition tool makes online debut

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Australian web service provider, Branchus Creations, latest imposition tool, Impose Online available for free.

The service allows users to impose most PDF document via an online interface which offers a range of standard imposition layouts, page gutters, bleed, trim marks, registration marks and colour bars. It can then be downloaded and used for free at

According to Bruce Rayne, (pictured) who developed the tool, pricing will not come into play until the service has been more widely used and accepted.

“Our pricing structure will be based on how much users impose, meaning there’s no large financial outlay. We will only start charging once we are completely happy with the service,” he said.

Rayne added that charges are likely to be US$1 per imposed PDF sheet. Users will be able to buy credits in batches of 20,50 and 100 with PayPal.

Feedback from users will also determine Impose Online’s future, Rayne said. “It’s our aim to expand the capabilities of Impose Online to meet the needs of our customers and this will be based on the feedback we receive.”

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