• Vivek Kumar, Konica Minolta.
    Vivek Kumar, Konica Minolta.
  • konica c2070 135
    konica c2070 135
  • David Thorley, GC DigiPrint.
    David Thorley, GC DigiPrint.
  • GC Digiprint's new Konica Minolta AccurioPress C2070.
    GC Digiprint's new Konica Minolta AccurioPress C2070.

Gold Coast printing house GC Digiprint has invested in its first Konica Minolta press, the toner-based AccurioPress C2070, which was launched in March this year.

Dave Thorley, owner, chose the new machine after shopping around for a replacement for his previous press. "The C2070 grabbed my attention immediately. The print quality and cost per sheet have been amazing, and it’s really transformed my business," he said.

Thorley says he is delighted not only at the quality of the C2070's output, but the service Konica Minolta provides as well. "The machine has excellent service backup from Konica Minolta. The training was excellent, anything I’m not sure of with operating the press has been thoroughly explored. They aren’t just selling you a piece of equipment and then letting you be, they’re constantly communicating on how to get the most out of it and how they can help your business moving forward.

"I’d absolutely invest in more Konica Minolta equipment in the future. It’s been a great experience so far – it’s only early days, but so far they’ve shown they’re very interested in how the machine is doing and whether I’m getting the most out of it. They want you to utilise the technology on the machine," he said.

Vivek Kumar, sales manager at Konica Minolta, says the fact that a new customer has switched to Konica Minolta is a testament to the C2070's output quality. "Dave was absolutely thrilled with the output and the cost efficiency of the machine. Ever since it came in he’s been raving about how amazing it is. This is a new customer for us as well – we’ve never dealt with him before in the past," Kumar said.

The C2070 supersedes Konica Minolta's C1070 press. Its new features include the capacity to print on 350gsm materials and the ability to perform automatic registration on the glass, as opposed to the C1070's manual registration.

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