• barcode

Barcode work is fraught with its own issues and challenges, with as much as 22% of printed jobs not passing muster, demanding costly reprints. Leading barcode authority, GS1 Australia, joins up as a Better Business partner with Printing Industries to help save printers time and money on rejections and reprints.

GS1 Australia is the local administrator for the internationally recognised GS1 System, used by over a million companies worldwide in virtually every sector of the global economy. It now makes its services available to printers, providing PIAA member s a direct line to the latest barcoding advice and technology solutions. According to Joe Kowalewski, PIAA, national director communication, technology and creative services, the partnership will provide members with access to information and services that can help to minimise errors, rejections and reprints.

“Research has shown that some 22% of items tested do not meet specification. That can lead to costly reprints, time lost and ultimately client dissatisfaction,” says Kowalewski.

The new partnership will provide printers with an important resource, and a support structure for handling complex or improperly supplied jobs. As part of the Better Business group, GS1 Australia is now on hand to help printers with everything from consistency to compliance.

Kowalewski adds, “Having GS1 Australia as one of our partners brings this important technical service into our one-stop Better Business Centre, created as a convenience for our members seeking a variety of information and business solutions.”

GS1 Australia kicks off the partnership, by hosting an information webinar on August 13, outlining barcode business opportunities for printers and explaining their support services. Click here to pre-register.

Available services include:

  • GS1 Australia's barcode express, providing a quick and easy way to order barcode numbers
  • Barcode testing, to ensure compliance
  • Education and training on GS1 requirements
  • Check digit calculator
  • Industry and professional advice on supply chain management

The Better Business online centre, www.betterbusiness.net.au hosts an expanding range of print business related services, including energy efficiency solutions, insurance, marketing and environmental services, software, healthcare and workplace injury management services.

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