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    colour doc
  • David Crowther, Colour Graphic Services.
    David Crowther, Colour Graphic Services.

David Crowther, the Colour Doctor of Colour Graphic Services, has won a Print21 Hot Pick at Printex for the high-speed Mellow Colour software suite.

Crowther, a colour management and ISO certification specialist, and his UK partner from Mellow Colour, Alan Dresch, are offering free wide-format colour checks at this year’s Printex/Visual Impact for any printer/rip/media combination.

‘I’m very pleased to accept the award,” said Crowther.  “The show is going very well and has been well attended.  With a steady flow of visitors, we’ve received many promising new sales leads.”

The Mellow Colour software suite can analyse a special wide-format test forme printed on a device of the visitor’s choice. A report is then produced, with suggested remedies, identifying where any colour issues are by using ISO 12647-2 as the benchmark. Printers must request the specially constructed test forme ahead of PrintEx, and print it out to the best of their ability on the device of choice. The printed sheet is then carried along to stand 1404 at Printex where Crowther and Dresch will measure it using the latest ISO 13655 compatible spectrophotometers, with the data then sent into PrintSpec software. Within seconds, the software will produce a full report on any colour management issues present and possible remedies.

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