• Alon Bar-Shany, GM HP Indigo division.
    Alon Bar-Shany, GM HP Indigo division.
  • Phil Rennell, Currie Group.
    Phil Rennell, Currie Group.

HP has sold more than 500 Indigo Series 4 digital presses worldwide, including at least 15 in Australia.

At the Dscoop conference in Phoenix, Arizona, Alon Bar-Shany, general manager for HP's Indigo division, announced the 500th Series 4 press had been installed at GLS/NEXT Precision Marketing in Minneapolis, Minnesota. “We are proud to see the ongoing growth of our customers around the world, as well as the innovation in applications and business models they develop,” Bar-Shany said.

HP has also sold more than 200 Indigo 7900 units around the world since drupa 2016.

Currie Group, which distributes Indigo presses in Australia, is very happy with the platform's takeup in our market, according to Phil Rennell, sales and marketing director. "We have a good market share across all the Indigo platforms. It’s a very good platform, and our market is smaller than a lot of the markets in Europe, the USA and elsewhere.

"We have the capacity to be good adopters of technologies because of this. Australian and New Zealand print companies are also quite advanced and innovative compared to competitors overseas – I think we sometimes underestimate that," he said.

Rennell, who has just returned from Dscoop, credits this innovative spirit for Indigo's high market penetration in the region. "One of the things I really enjoyed about Dscoop is that people are seeking to learn more and experience more on how best to use that technology. It’s no surprise that those people are investing in Series 4 to drive their business into the future," he said.

Currie Group is looking ahead to PacPrint, where it plans to show off how Indigo can help streamline the printing process. "Our next phase will be focused on automating processes associated with printing, both with workflow and finishing, streamlining and removing touch points from the process. We want people to understand what we’re thinking in terms of making the most of the digital workflow," Rennell said.

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