Kodak fishes out new use for plates

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There’s something fishy going on at the Kodak stand and Andy McCourt was there to see it in full-scale.

The scale of our industry was clearly apparent on the Kodak stand at IPEX where, last night, they kindly invited us for amuse-bouche, zinfandel and chardonnay.

Kodak has stunned the offset world with the introduction of the ultra-fin Codplate, a brilliant piece of nano-engineering that enables three-dimensional printing on marine creatures. Kodak knows its place in the market and is intent on making waves to trawl every prospect for the new plates into its net.

John Dory of Kodak said: "Herring what the market had to say, we are now the sole supplier of Codplate technology, patented by our senior plate scientist, Gill Salmon. The dots are extremely shark, sorry sharp and of course, they are water wash-out."

Kodak has already confirmed oceans of orders for the new Codplates, mostly coming in over the 'Net. As Dory concludes: "Looks like we have the market by hook, line and sinker with this one!"
Asked how IPEX is going for Kodak, Dory responded, somewhat predictably, "We're having a whale of a time!"
Footnote: This clever sculpture was made using imaged printing plates and can be seen on the Kodak stant at IPEX.

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