Not getting paid in time costs companies money for every day of delay, so a Printing Industries’ webinar next week will focus on how to better manage trade credit and avoid risk.
The free 30-minute webinar, on Wednesday 19 August from 1pm (AEST) will look at how, when and where to get help to protect business cashflow. Register here
The webinar will be presented by National Credit Insurance (NCI) Australia’s largest Trade Credit Insurance broker, and will feature guest speakers Terry Duffy (pictured), General Manager QLD, NSW & NZ and Sales Executive Jason Maughan.
Participants will have access to a special offer as well as printing industry specific insights and advice on a range of topics from trade credit insurance coverage to privacy laws and compliance including:
- Trade credit insurance
- Credit risk management
- Information & reports
- Collections
- Privacy law reforms
- Compliance
- Client monitoring
- Company structure and efficiency.