Missed PrintEx – check out the Print21 website
The big show for the year is over, but printers not able to go to Sydney last week can now check up on all the show highlights at their leisure, on the Print21 news website.
All the PrintEx stories published on Print21 are now in their own section on the home page, simply scroll down until the PrintEx sector appears on the left.
Print21 – the people who know print – published far more PrintEx stories during the week than any other website, and sent out a newsletter every day of the show at 12 noon.
Wayne Robinson, editor of Print21 said, “PrintEx was a superb show, with suppliers working hard to bring in innovative new technology to the Australian market. Congratulations are due to them, and to the show's organisers for producing a great event, which many countries do not have.
"The Print21 news website will provide a great location for printers around the country to check out the highlights over the next few weeks.”