• kugel

Alexandria print house Network Print Studio has hit the wall and is in voluntary liquidation, with owner David Kugel saying super-short run lengths hit the business hard.

The A2 commercial printer was established in 1975, and had 13 staff. Kugel says he had been helping them find new jobs. Kugel himself has been with the company since 2002. The company had a Komori S29P 8 perfector as its main press.

According to Kugel, his client base has remained stable but print runs have been slashed. He says that as an offset printer he could not compete with digital on runs  in the hundreds rather than the thousands.

Kugel is set to walk away from print following the liquidation, which came, he said, on the back on non-stop growth since he took over the business.

Liquidator is Peter Krejci of BRI Ferrier. Network was one of a trio of related companies including Presswords Printing and Netprint Design, all of which are now in liquidation.

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