Konica Minolta has its eye on next generation digital, lifting the curtain on the new bizhub C1060 and C1070 at a string of personalised launches. Printers can personally put the latest gear to the test at five state events throughout the month, by submitting their own files to be printed off the bizhub live at the launch.
The two new bizhubs hit the market boasting peak colour reproduction and registration stability, with its Simitri HDE toner delivering richer reds and 10% higher pigment concentration in solid colour areas. Fully tailored solutions offer a range of over 40 system configurations, as well as increasing press uptime with flexible parts replacement.
The bizhub C1060 achieves a mono and colour output of 61 A4 sheets per minute, while the C1070 cranks that up to 71. They tackle any job size from A5 all the way up to SRA3 and media weights ranging from 62 to 300 gsm, on coated, card or digital offset stock. Both presses provide native 1200 dpi image quality, with 8-bit multi-gradation processing for fine text and bold colour scaling.
Konica Minolta is officially unveiling the two new production engines in the month of May, with five events held in the state capitals. Events will also include demonstration of advanced colour management, web-to-print and MIS, all designed to increase productivity and reduce overheads.
To come along, select from the following:
- Sydney - May 14, Konica Minolta House, 4 Drake Avenue, Macquarie Park, NSW
- Brisbane - May 15, Konica Minolta Brisbane, 64 Brookes Street, Bowen Hills, Qld
- Perth - May 21, Konica Minolta Perth, 140 Hay Street, Subiaco
- Melbourne - May 28, Konica Minolta Melbourne, 21-29 Moray Street, Southbank
- Adelaide - May 29, Konica Minolta Adelaide, 255 Gilbert Street, Adelaide, SA
For more information, click here. Printers are invited to register now.
To put the press to the test, upload your own print files here for your own individual, personalised trial.