• Peter Lane
    Peter Lane
  • Peter Lane, Lane Print Group
    Peter Lane, Lane Print Group
  • Sarah Leo and Michael Richards … top team at Openbook Howden
    Sarah Leo and Michael Richards … top team at Openbook Howden

Epochal change for the peak industry body as prominent industry identity passes the South Australian baton to Sarah Leo of Openbook Howden.

Lane moves aside after having served multiple terms as National President (1995-1996, 2005-2008) in addition to his record participation at board level. His time spanned tumultuous decades of digital transformation and consolidation of the printing industry. He has overseen the tenure of numerous Association CEOs as well as a radical reshaping of the Association.

During his years of service the Printing Industries Association of Australia (PIAA) changed from being the Printing & Allied Trades Employers Federation of Australia (PATEFA) while moving from its traditional role as an industrial relations organisation to being the national representative body for the commercial printing industry.  Always an active and engaged board member, he was responsible for many of the significant changes.

In 1997 he was acclaimed as Graphic Arts Person of the Year and has been a guiding member of the board of the industry trade shows PacPrint (five times) and PrintEx (twice). In 2004 he was awarded the Order of Australia Medal for services to the printing industry, particularly for the integration of information technology into conventional print technologies and the community.

According to Lane he stepped down from the role of Board Member and Secretary at the end of December although he still has one year of his term to run. “I wanted to make the transition as seamless as possible. Sarah Leo is a very capable woman. She’ll discover there is a lot to do for the industry by being on the board,” he said.

“I’ve been very fortunate during my time and the industry has been very good to me. It’s a pleasure to give something back.”

He sees diversification, industry training and meeting the demographic changes as major challenges confronting the industry. “The aim is to develop a sustainable industry as well as an Association. Succession planning is important as people age,” he said.

He admits to owing a debt of gratitude to a sympathetic board at his family-owned Lane Print Group. Not everyone is able to devote as much time and energy as he has over the years to the wellbeing of the broader industry.

His contribution to PIAA is recognised and acknowledged by current national president, Walter Kuhn. “Our industry is stronger due to decisions made by Peter Lane. On behalf of the print sector I thank Peter for all that he has done.

“He’s given above and beyond the call of duty. He will be missed. I’d like to formally acknowledge the contribution that Peter has made to the board, and wish him well in his future endeavours,” said Kuhn.

In welcoming Sarah Leo to the board Kuhn recognises the demographic change necessary to continue moving forward. “Sarah’s appointment represents an exciting generational change in our board. Her extensive experience in marketing and promoting print brings extended capability to our already comprehensive board composition. Sarah is engaged with the membership and will provide a valuable fresh perspective as we invigorate our association’s governance,” he said.

“Sarah’s appointment reflects considered and strategic succession planning that the association is progressing across all states. We are dependent on younger members of the industry from varied sectors to raise their hands and consider board representation to ensure we can keep refreshing the association.

“We are looking to the future as a commercially sustainable association that delivers quantifiable value to members. It is critical our board has the skills and the representation across the industry to deliver our refreshed strategy.”

Andrew Macaulay, CEO, also spoke in praise of Lane’s long commitment to the Association. “Peter has provided me with invaluable insights into our Association, and this has guided me as we move the Association forward. I thank Peter sincerely for his contribution.”

Sarah Leo says she’s keen to contribute to the Association in her new role. “As an industry, we have shouldered significant changes and the resulting transformation is exciting and encouraging.  Print in all of its forms, continues to demonstrate significant ROI for clients and I look forward to assisting the board to communicate our industry’s brand proposition.”

Lane continues to be President of the Forum of the Asia Pacific Graphic Arts group, the international representative body in the region.


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