Philip Andersen is new chief of peak industry body

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The well-received appointment of Andersen (pictured) who has been filling in the role since the departure of Gary Donnison mid-year, followed a major recruitment campaign. According to Peter Lane, Printing Industries National President, the search included extensive advertising to attract the highest calibre individuals within or outside of the industry, a lengthy assessment and interviews of the short listed candidates.

“This process concluded during the weekend when six outstanding candidates were interviewed in Sydney,” he said.

“These people included applicants with industry experience and other association experience. At the end of the day it came down to differentiating the successful candidate by the strength of the strategic vision the individual projected for Printing Industries future development.

“We believe that Philip’s vision, as articulated to our National Council Executive Committee, will meet our expectations in steering this association forward in a progressive and farsighted way inclusive of the varied needs and expectations of members and industry stakeholders,” he said.

The cornerstones of Andersen’s proposals, which carried the day, include a new nationally co-ordinated approach to membership sales, the development of technical services and the fostering of closer ties with sectoral associations.

Andersen joined Printing Industries in 1992 as National Director. He has a strong economics and management background and previously held the position of Deputy Director and Chief Economist with the Chamber of Manufactures of New South Wales. He is a Director with Print Super and the Chairman of its Investment sub-committee. He is also a Director of Printing Industries Credits which provides a range credit management services to the industry.

He previously headed the association's Policy Department and was responsible for developing and managing industry policy, government lobbying, commercial services and trade development.

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