• Celebrating print in Sydney this week were (left to right): Kevin Slaven, CEO PMP; Michelle Levine, Roy Morgan; Sally Wright, Medium Rare; Kellie Northwood, CEO Two Sides and convenor of the event; and John Walker, MD Sappi Australia.
    Celebrating print in Sydney this week were (left to right): Kevin Slaven, CEO PMP; Michelle Levine, Roy Morgan; Sally Wright, Medium Rare; Kellie Northwood, CEO Two Sides and convenor of the event; and John Walker, MD Sappi Australia.
  • APIA-logo

A cross section of the great and the good of the printing industry came together this week in Sydney as three allied organisations, Two Sides, Australian Catalogue Association (ACA) and Australian Paper Industry Assocaition (APIA) showcased their work in promoting printing.

Under the auspices of industry notable, Kellie Northwood, the alliance demonstrated its power, clout and influence with a turnout that included representatives of most major players across a wide range of sectors. It reflected the importance of cooperation between advocacy groups and industry representative organisations.

Catalogue printers were represented by such enterprises as IVE Group, PMP, Fairfax, and Finsbury Green. Commercial printers included Jossimo Print and Bambra Press, while suppliers such as Konica Minolta, Starleaton and Fuji Xerox had their own Visual Connections representation there. Australia Post’s Mark Roberts flew the flag for the often maligned postal service, while paper mills and merchants from APIA, such as Sappi and Ball & Doggett completed the spectrum of industry attendance.

The Sydney meeting reinforced the importance of promoting printing to the wider community with presentations from content publisher, Medium Rare on the efficacy of printing as a communication channel while drill down stats were supplied by research firm, Roy Morgan.

The gathering emphasized the shifting influences that are shaping the printing industry and the need for groups such as Two Sides to continue the fight against ‘greenmail.’ At closing, Northwood, encouraged everyone to disseminate the good news about the virtues of printing and take pride in being part of a vibrant industry.

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