Print telephone directories defy the internet

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The massive task of printing and distributing Telstra telephone directories to every household is underway again, despite the threat from online phone searches.

The death of the printed telephone directory is again postponed as Sensis announces it is printing more telephone directories than ever. All around the country the familiar sight of trucks delivering masses of printed books to households is agin reinforcing print’s central role in communications.

Despite a sustained campaign by internet supporters and greenies – who tend to dislike all things printed – the popularity of the traditional telephone directory shows no sign of fading. Householders vote with their hands by taking delivery of the books and presumably using them throughout the year.

Patrick Howard, print21online publisher, snapped this delivery last week at a 14-apartment building in Elizabeth Bay, NSW. Over the week the residents picked them up one by one and took them inside By Sunday there was only one left, which he took for himself.

The take-up is a vindication of the ease of use and convenience of the printed product, even in trendy Elizabeth Bay where everyone, well almost everyone, has the latest in smart phones and blackberries.

Print lives.

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