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Print’s share of the out of home media sector has fallen again in the six months to June, both in percentage share and amount of spend, in what is a growing market.

Stable: print at APN Outdoor
Dropping: Spend on outdoor print

Outdoor print’s share of the sector was down by 2.5 per cent, from 28.1 per cent in the six months last year, to 25.6 per cent in the six months to June, with digital outdoor now taking three quarters of the revenue.

In cash terms, the amount spent on outdoor print fell to $151.8m, down from $154.3m in the same period last year.

The outdoor market as a whole grew by eight per cent, to $593.1m in the six months January to June, up from $549.2m in the same period last year, driven by major investments in digital assets by the three major outdoor companies; oOh! Media, JC Decaux and QMS.

The trend is expected to grow further in the next six months, as assets around the new Sydney Metro, which are almost all digital, will be included for the first time, as will a host of new digital assets in Adelaide.

All four major outdoor media categories achieved growth in the six months to June.

Category figures 2024:

  • Roadside Billboards (over and under 25 square metres) $254.3m
  • Roadside Other (street furniture, bus/tram externals, small format) $131.8m
  • Transport (including airports) $77m
  • ^^Retail, Lifestyle and Other $130m

Category figures 2023:

  • Roadside Billboards (over and under 25 square metres) $ 240.6m
  • Roadside Other (street furniture, bus/tram externals, small format) $ 124.7m
  • Transport (including airports) $ 62.5m
  • ^^Retail, Lifestyle and Other $ 121.3m
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