DIRECT Magazine
A marketing publication focused on the information needs of Australia’s professional direct marketers.
DIRECT… what is it?
A marketing publication focused on the information needs of Australia’s professional direct marketers. One-on-one communication is revolutionising the entire marketing industry. Cross-media marketing in a digital age is a delta of channel options; SMS, personalised print communication, transpromo, CRM data-mining, PURL agency and personal internet spaces are some of the main streams in the contemporary marketing mix.
DIRECT… who gets it?
Savvy marketers who recognize the benefi ts of personalised one-to-one communication using print & mail in conjunction with the whole range of electronic media – that’s who GETS IT!
But seriously…
DIRECT is a bi-monthly magazine with controlled circulation to the target audience of marketers, creatives, agency professionals, mail and print programme developers and providers; members of ADMA (Australian Direct Marketing Association), in addition to a select database of corporate marketing managers along with selected news stand distribution. It will also be available by subscription.
Other target groups include mailing house operatives, the sales and marketing forces of digital printing equipment suppliers, software developers and Australia Post nominees along with Australia’s marketing educational establishment.
Print management groups and corporate print buyers are high on the list of targeted readers – these are the people the sector must educate about the unique properties of personalised print marketing.
DIRECT – what’s it about? Content is king and DIRECT is rich with specialised commentary, local and international news, and trends for the print-oriented direct marketer. Issues vary to reflect the dynamism of the personalised direct marketing sector, including
• Transpromo – developments and challenges in the new medium of commercial essential mail;
• PURL – the power of personalized print combined with the internet;
• Successful personalized mail & print programmes (PODi examples);
• Copywriting for direct marketing and the mechanics of personalisation;
• Campaign metrics – mailing for results.
In addition, the magazine includes profiles of agencies and high profile marketers, columns by such well-known direct marketing writers as Malcolm Auld and Danielle Veldre as well as Rob Edwards, CEO of ADMA.
DIRECT – facts & figures
There are over 1,000 (estimated) digital print providers in Australia using an array of equipment and technologies with the capacity to develop sophisticated personalised marketing programmes.
There are upwards of 400 (estimated) mailing houses large and small servicing the print & mail sector of DM. These enterprises are in the forefront of PURL development and RFID tracking.
Australia Post estimates that of the total 402.2 million pieces of addressed mail it delivered in May 2006, 183 million were personally addressed promotional or transactional items of mail.
DIRECT kicked off in early 2008 with a print run of 7,700 copies nationwide. There are six issues every year. It will change the landscape of DM in Australia forever.
Editor: Heather Murphy
Contact: 02 9356 3976
Advertising Executive:
Contact: 02 9356 3976
DIRECT is a publication of blueline media pty limited
Publisher: Patrick Howard
media • communications • publishing