Independent Print Media

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The Independent Media Alliance
… a new force in graphic arts publishing

In a world of media without borders, being able to source first-hand accounts and reportage is the difference between real news and unmediated spin. Print 21 has always believed in treating its readers like intelligent professionals, able to distinguish context and fact from puffery and sales spiels.

Now our readers will enjoy an even broader reach of in-depth reporting of events, technologies and personalities in the graphic arts from around the world. The IMA is a co-operative grouping of like-minded publishing houses committed to sharing independent quality reporting. In addition to Patrick Howard's Print 21 in Australia and New Zealand members include Michael Seidl's European-based PRINT & PUBLISHING International; Naresh Khanna's authoritative Indian Printer and Publisher; and Hye-Jeong Ahn's Graphics World covering the east-Asian economies.

The IMA is the new authority for those wanting unbiased, trustworthy informationa on the graphic arts.

Print 21 is proud to be a founding member of the Independent Media Alliance.

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