
Business insurance premiums are on the rise for printers, and the Print and Visual Communications Association (PVCA) wants to hear from you about it.

Shrinking print volumes combined with the housing affordability crisis may send some printers to new areas, with one US company developing a 3D house printer.

Print & Visual Communication Association is opening a mental health support line to help under-pressure printers receive support in these difficult days.

National mail monopoly Australia Post is cutting metro mail delivery services in half, as it redeploys staff to handle the parcels boom, with shoppers moving online in the Covid-19 crisis.

Armed with a near 5000 strong Bring Back Print petition, Print and Visual Communications Association CEO Andrew Macaulay met with deputy prime minister Michael McCormack, with McCormack asking for a written submission, which Macaulay said will be submitted shortly.

The New Zealand print industry is open for business again, emerging five weeks after the country went into total lockdown to see off the coronavirus, but now facing a challenge in finding work for the presses.

HP is launching a new Brilliant Ink inkset with the new PageWide T250 HD continuous feed printer, which comes with inline coater, which it says will enable it to compete directly for offset work.

The Real Media Collective is hosting a series of webinars, Re-Build Together, aimed at helping printers to get back on their feet, and deal with various aspects of the coronavirus crisis. They will run throughout May and June.

PVCA and virtually every other business grouping is backing the government's new downloadable CovidSafe app, which indicates when you have been in contact with an infected person, as a key tool to get the country working again.

Digital print solutions developer Durst is releasing the IP on the masks to its Rhotex users around the world, including those in Australia. It has been producing masks in its demo centre at its Italian headquarters, using its filter technology developed for its inkjet presses.

Sign industry associations Asga and Fespa are running the first of their webinars tomorrow (Thursday). It will cover the JobKeeper allowance and associated topics.

The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman is calling for legislation requiring small businesses to be paid in 30 days, targeting big businesses which seek to delay payment.

Close to 4000 printers have now signed the Bring Back Print petition, less than a week after it was launched with the aim of returning the $150m-$200m worth of government print back to Australia. It goes to the PM today.

The spend on outdoor print in Australia dipped by $10m to $86m in the first quarter as the Covid-19 virus hit March marketing budgets, which will likely continue to be depressed in the current quarter.

Franchise print group Minuteman Press is launching a Covid-19 initiative aimed at engaging with the local business community, offering a free poster, and a free advert on its newly created Bounce Back website.


Print environmentalist Laurel Brunner is calling on drupa to show its green colours during the 11 days of the mega show next April, to provide leadership to the global industry.